ase of knowledge for each of Boston's 23 neighborhoods. The neighborhoods are as unique as the residents who live there, but combine to create a city known for its sports, culture and politics. A section of the book entitled "Do You Know?" provides fascinating and lesser-known information that contributes to the distinctiveness and attractiveness of each neighborhood. Photographs will test the reader's knowledge of buildings and objects that are commonly seen but not necessarily recognized for what they are, and a trivia section tests some well-known and lesser-known facts.
The book ends with the "Treasures" of Boston. These are the institutions and places that make Boston and its neighborhoods a remarkable place to live and work, attracting millions of visitors every year. The authors have made these determinations themselves and realize that others may have a different list, but that is ok. Some treasures are cultural, some are natural, but each contributes to the quality of life that is available throughout Boston. The city, its neighborhoods and its people have something distinct and appealing to offer everyone.