lightful children's picture book debut from author D.C
Swanson and illustrator Clint Hansen.On Christmas Eve, the spirit of the
holiday comes alive when twins Maria and Matty need a miracle if they are going to find the perfect gift for their mother before the big day arrives. With their father's permission, the twins set out, traversing the city through a blistering storm searching for an open shop where they might find a gift at such a late hour. With time and their hopes dwindling, the twins catch a wonderful scent on the wind. Following their noses, they find an alley marked by a large sign . . . that just winked at them?!
As this sister and brother are about to find out, this fantastical sign is only the tip of the magical iceberg that awaits them in the shop of the Book Cook, where ingredients, stewed together in a massive cauldron, come not only from gardens, but also from tales, legends, and literary classics. This Holiday Season, join the adventure as the elvish Book Cook teaches Maria and Matty to harness the joy, the magic, and the pleasure of story creation! Who knows, maybe you're about to begin your own brand-new Holiday Tradition with
Book Cook.