Set in a weekly format over 30 days but can be tailored to any timeframe. Designed to be used to couples, and also by therapists working with couples (bonus clinician prep included with each conversation).
Week 1- Who Are We?
Falling in Love, Friendship, Caring, Acceptance, Empathy, Emotional Intimacy, Rituals
Week 2 - Who Am I?
Childhood, Family Origin, Temperament, Influences, Spirituality, Values, How I Think
Week 3- How do we work?
Communication, Conflict, Defensiveness, Intimacy, Trust, Fidelity and Boundaries, Parenting, Staying in Sync
Week 4 - What do we want?
Romance, Joy and Gratitude, respect, Apologies and Forgiveness, Challenges, Relationship Savings Account, Past, Present & Future, Keeping Connected