adventure as Peter Moon reveals a peculiar and impact- ing dream he experienced in 1989 long before his leg- endary involvement with time travel and synchronicity. The dream, the details of which are reviewed in this book, climaxed with a white bat manifesting at Dracula's Citadel. Before his sixth journey to Romania, an annual sojourn Peter Moon has made since 2008 in pursuit of the myster- ies presented by Radu Cinamar in the Transylvania book series and summarized again within these pages, Peter realizes that the dream was somehow prophetic and had been pulling him to Romania long before his involvement with time travel, Preston Nichols, Dr. David Anderson or even before he began his public writing career.
Now, upon his arrival in Transylvania in 2013 and twenty- four years after the dream, Peter is spontaneously informed that a white bat had unexpectedly just appeared in a cave sacred to the blue goddess Machandi, a tantric