d Math Teaching and Learning
Winner of the 2022 Excel Silver Award for Technical Book. Everything a child does has mathematical value--these
words are at the heart of this completely revised and updated third edition of
The Young Child and Mathematics.Grounded in current research, this classic book focuses on how teachers working
with children ages 3 to 6 can find and build on the math inherent in children's
ideas in ways that are playful
This resource
Illustrates through
detailed vignettes how math concepts can be explored in planned learning
experiences as well as informal spaces
in-the-moment instructional decision-making and child-teacher interactions that meaningfully and dynamically
support children in making math connections
Provides an
overview of what children know about counting and operations, spatial
relations, measurement and data, and patterns and algebra
Offers examples of
informal documentation and assessment approaches that are embedded within
classroom practice
Deepen your understanding of how math is an integral part
of your classroom all day, every day.
Includes online