Miracles and messages from God aren't reserved for a select few but for all who expect to see His hand in action.
Are you in a spiritual desert? You pray, read your Bible, and maybe even teach, yet your parched soul thirsts for more because endless distractions steal your attention from the still, small voice of the Holy Spirit.
The God Dot introduces unique signs of God's presence in your life that deliver everything from affirmation to warning. By sharing scripture and revealing personal stories of rejection, rebellion, and redemption, author Lynn Baber will help you:
Even when you feel abandoned, you are not. From the miraculous to the mundane, The God Dot shows you how God reached into your life in the past, how He appears today, and connects the pieces that never made sense.
A richer, deeper life of joy, peace, and purpose is yours when you discover how to recognize and document the markers of God's active presence in everyday life.
There are no coincidences. There is God.