rtnership with the non-physical dimensions on behalf of our world. The object is to strengthen and deepen our capacities to serve new emerging wholeness in the world and ourselves. Historically, human beings have always sought out contact with the subtle and spiritual worlds for a variety of reasons. These might include guidance on problems, information about the future, healing for ills, protection from danger, and wisdom for our growth and development. However, In these times, humanity and the biosphere are facing challenges that threaten our survival and the integrity and wholeness of the ecosystems that support us. The problems that exist cannot be solved by a worldview that sees only the physical world as having any reality. Growing our understanding of, and relationship with the subtle realms of life is the necessary shift to open an ecology of relationships that can unlock the resources to meet these current challenges. A partnership with the incarnate and subtle worlds working together is the way forward. It is the need of our time. It is the fiery hope of our time. The object of this book is different than simply teaching a method of contact with the non-physical realms to gain answers. Its focus is to open our relationship with the non-physical dimensions in ways that allow us to step toward partnership on behalf of our world. We seek to strengthen and deepen our capacities to serve. All of the other reasons an individual may seek a connection with a subtle ally can still be there, but in
Partnering with Spirit, the vision and goal of service are paramount. Fulfilling the hope and the need for partnering in service is the goal of this book. It focusses on:
Identity and the expression of our personal PresenceUnderstanding the field of our "natural alliances" - the subtle partnerships and alliances that are organically and naturally part of our unique incarnation.Communicating with the field developing out of our natural alliances - our "Entelechy" - and listening for the wisdom it may have to offer.