4The American Christmas of 1945 was a four-day period in American history unrivaled in its spirit, beauty, and poignancy. Epic peril, sacrifice, and tragedy prepared Americans to celebrate that holiday with a spirituality that underlies the true meaning of Christmas. Christmas 1945 was a time of healing. The war had been over for four months and the sacrifices made by victors and vanquished alike resulted in a scarcity of goods commonly used for the Christmas holiday. In Europe and Asia, for those who celebrated, food for the banquet table was scarce, and in the United States, gifts for the stocking were not readily available. Those who celebrated Christmas found a joy in celebrating by turning to their neighbors in need and to the church pew to give thanks. It was a holiday that found expression in good will toward mankind. Christmas in 1945 was a four-day event. President Truman proclaimed it so for the Federal employees, mostly out-of-towners, who had held fast to their desks during the Christmases of the four dark years of war, and the nation followed. The war-weary military participated in the Christmas celebration too. Operation Magic Carpet and Operation Santa Claus, the former to return tens of thousands of peacekeeping troops home, the latter to discharge them in time to be home for the holiday in a high-spirited rush that jammed train stations, bus depots, and airports, creating, at that time, the biggest traffic jam in the nation's history The press too, contributed substantially to the great celebration. At the time, information flow was provided by wire- connected newspapers that brought homes, communities, and towns together. When the hearts of American citizens were tapped for their intrinsic goodness, it was the newspaper, ever on hand for a good human interest story, that enthusiastically reported it. Numerous streams of affection, love, and "good will toward men" were brought to public attention by the press sharing the nation's abundant Christmas spirit with its readers. This book is about that special Christmas when reaching out to the less fortunate, the grieving, and the wounded played a larger role than opening a present under a tree.