BOOK is for those who have never tried to prove God, those who think they have
tried, those who have tried and failed, those who still have hope and for those who
are daily proving Him. This book is for YOU.
The purpose of this book is fivefold:
1. To bring you into a true relationship with the Laws of God.
2. To give you a tried and true remedy for human ills, problems and needs.
3. To make real the things which you know but have not experienced.
4. To give form and substance to your prayers, treatments and desires.
5. To lead you to discover the Real You.
J. Lowrey Fendrich tells the story of a Chinese philosopher who once came to a missionary
and offered to pay him to translate a portion of the New Testament for him each day. The
missionary agreed, and for the first lesson opened the Bible and read aloud the words,
After this manner therefore, pray ye: Our Father -
To his surprise the aged Chinese stopped him and said, "That will be enough for today."
A year later he returned and said he was ready for the second lesson.
"I thought," said the missionary, "that you employed me to read to you every day."
"I did," replied the old man, "but it took me a year to understand this much."
The words in this book are only challenges. The real substance of the lessons is contained
between the lines. This means that you should mark, learn and inwardly digest them as
you read. As Isaiah said, you will have to wait upon the Lord. You will have to condition
your mind through meditation and contemplation. The more you study the lessons, the
more light and understanding you will receive. "Mary kept all these things and pondered
them in her heart [Soul]."
One of my earliest efforts to put the Truth into print was called This Works. It has long
been out of print, but requests for copies still reach me. Those who so faithfully remember
the pamphlet will recognize that the material it contained is embraced by this volume.
I have written half the book, but you must write the other half - not on paper but in your
daily life. It remains for you to embody the thought in your consciousness. May each hour
spent in the study of these lessons bring you manifold blessings!
Dr. Robert A. Russell was an exceptional author and had an uncanny
ability to make the most difficult spiritual subjects easy to understand
and apply. While known primarily for two works "GOD Works Through
You" and "GOD Works Through Faith" he was in fact a prolific author
with over 16 titles to his credit. We have spent the last several years
tracking down his legacy of works and will be publishing them all in
the coming years, each a spiritual classic in their own right.
Barry J Peterson, CEO Audio Enlightenment