The book starts out with a study of whole numbers and their operations. Students review multi-digit-multiplication and learn long division with two-digit divisors. We also review divisibility and prime factorization from fourth grade.
In the second chapter, the focus is on large numbers and using a calculator. This is the first time a calculator is introduced in Math Mammoth complete curriculum. I want students to learn to be critical in their use of the calculator and use it with good judgment. Every exercise where calculator use is allowed is marked with a little picture of a calculator.
The third chapter is about equations and problem solving. We study simple equations with the help of a balance and bar models. The main goal is to get students used to the concept of an equation and what it means to solve an equation. Students also solve a fair amount of word problem with the help of the visual bar model.
The fourth chapter is about decimals and some of the operations with decimals (the rest are studied in book 5-B). In fifth grade, students learn all the basic operations with decimals. In this chapter, we focus on place value with decimals, addition and subtraction of decimals, and multiplication and division of decimals by whole numbers. Multiplying decimals by decimals and dividing decimals by decimals is covered in chapter 6.
In chapter 5 we study graphing in a coordinate grid, line and bar graphs, and average and mode. Today's world has become increasingly complex with lots of data presented in the media, so our children need a good grasp of statistical graphs to be able to make sense of all of that information.
The rest of the 5th grade topics are covered in the 5-B student worktext.