eeply and intimately, as your dearest, closest, most trusted friend? Do you long to not just talk about Him, sing about Him, and learn about Him, but to truly walk in daily, passionate relationship with Him? Are you tired of just reading about God's promises in the Bible and ready to actually experience the unmatched joy, peace that passes understanding, and soul-level satisfaction that is promised to those who follow Him? If that describes you, this Set Apart study is for you. This message won't tickle your ears, but it will stir and awaken your soul! In her engaging, practical, and straightforward style, Leslie's message will draw you into greater depths of intimacy with Christ and challenge you towards greater heights of spiritual triumph. Filled with inspiring examples of Christ-centered women from history, powerful modern-day stories, a wealth of Scripture, and practical action steps, these poignant lessons will equip you to personally discover the unmatched fulfillment and joy that comes from a Christ-centered life. This resource was designed to enhance the accompanying video lessons taught by Leslie Ludy and a leader's guide is also available for those who are mentoring or guiding others through these powerful truths!