"Operation Hermes" is the dramatic sequel to the satirical novel, "War under the Mango Tree." The story resumes two years after a high-tech American manhunt killed the notorious warlord Daniel Odoki. Now, an economic crisis and popular uprising have pushed the Democratic Republic of Gisawi (DRoG) to the brink of chaos.
President Namono, the country's aging autocrat, appears ready to abandon Washington in favor of Beijing, raising fears of a new superpower rivalry emerging in Africa. When a popular uprising in Africa threatens to topple a corrupt American ally, soldiers, spies, and diplomats race against time and each other to find a suitable replacement.
Will it be the president's hard-drinking playboy son, Fabrice? His power-hungry wife and handbag connoisseur, Charity? Or the ambitious defense minister, Mugaba Odongo.
War Under the Mango Tree, Book 1
Operation Hermes, Book 2