When God inquires of man, His questions contain every principle essential for man's journey from earth to heaven, from "Where art thou?" in Genesis to Malachi's "Will a man rob God?" God's inquiries of man are timeless. How different life would be if we made deliberate choices for personal inventory asking God's question, "What have you done?" And when we are afflicted, is our hope drowned in a flood of misery, causing us to doubt God? Frank Chesser encourages us to ponder God's question to Job, "Is anything too hard for the Lord?" When we are hesitant and insecure about our service to God, we would do well to remember His life-changing question to Moses: "What is that in thine hand?" And when we shirk our duties and choose seclusion as Elijah did in Sinai's cave, do we hear the voice of reason asking, "What are you doing here?" These divine questions are motivating, convicting, and immortal. Applied to the Christian, they are indeed life-changing.