Bite-sized memories and adventures written on a weekly basis come together in Meander North, a blog-memoir by Duluth author Marie Zhuikov. Collected over nine years on Zhuikov's Marie's Meanderings blog, these quirky essays are arranged by season, and cover a wide range of ourdoorsy and community-based reflections, from an insider's view of Duluth's Christmas City of the North Parade, to a spring cleaning trip to the local dump and a description of a lawn-mower road race. One piece depicts a gleeful summer morning paddleboard on a quiet lake, another takes us on a meditative fall walk on a Hartley Park trail. The book finishes with specific topics including Brushes with Fame, where Zhuikov describes close calls and meetings with famous (and not so famous) people, and Bookish Adventures, which detail her literary leanings and various incidents that have added spice to book signings for her previous works.
Although the topics diverse, all display Zhuikov's love for her home state. Meander North is a celebration of Minnesota, its seasons and traditions.