Grief is a sacred journey through the desolate and the divine.
A few weeks after my husband's horrific death in southern Mexico, I stared through a wall of windows into the surrounding jungle as the sun rose over
the mountains.
"Oh God," I cried out. "What am I to do? My life feels totally barren and desolate."
In those moments, God spoke to my heart.
"I am about to do something new. See, I have already begun Do you not see it? I will make a pathway through the wilderness. I will create rivers in the dry wasteland." (Isaiah 43:19 NLT)
Whether you are reeling from unexpected loss or whether you love someone suffering the agony of grief, Rachel's powerful story has something for you.
Rachel's story is infused with life-giving insights. Her personal journey of sorrow reveals precious footpaths through the most desolate terrain and into the beauty that grief promises-if we know where to look.