Our feathered friends are at the center of two short poems that explores the need for courage. But The Sparrow Stayed is about standing tall and staying true to who you are. First Flight is about being brave when trying new things even when you are afraid or unsure. The reward can be so amazing! (Animals, Courage, Bullying, Taking Risks, Nature, Conservation, Poetry, Bilingual English-Spanish, Children's Picture Book)
Nuestros amigos emplumados son los protagonistas de dos breves historias que exploran la necesidad de ser valientes. Pero El Gorrión Se Quedó comparte un mensaje sobre cómo mantenerse firme y permanecer siempre fiel a quien eres. Primer Vuelo explica cómo ser valiente cuando se intentan cosas nuevas, incluso cuando tienes miedo o no estás seguro. La recompensa puede llegar a ser maravillosa! (Animals, Courage, Bullying, Taking Risks, Nature-Conservation, Poetry, Bilingual English-Spanish, Children's Picture Book)