Through engaging and relatable stories, the Tales of Total Kindness series was developed with social-emotional learning in mind to help children develop their emotional intelligence (EQ). Emotional intelligence is something that can be taught to young children and is a critical factor that can lead to better relationships, improved mental health, and greater success in adulthood.
The Upside-Down Boys: It's top-secret Tuesday in the town of Thanks-Welcome and someone is launching gummy-eggy blech blobs from the Truly Kind Treehouse! Could it be a mad chicken or a gang of gum-chewing squirrels? When Frankie finds out it's the matching twin brothers McBlue, she bounces her way into the hearts of the Upside-Down Boys, breaks the chain of bad feelings, and helps turn the two bullies into buddies.
Questions at the back of the book can be used as a guide by parents, educators, and counselors to initiate discussions.
Be kind to the planet: when you read F&P, we plant a tree!
Favorite World Press is investing in the future health of our planet by planting trees on behalf of our young readers-trees that will grow with them and for them.
For every print or e-book purchased from the Frankie and Peaches Tales of Total Kindness series, Favorite World Press will plant one tree through our planting partner, Tree-Nation, helping to create more green space and a healthier planet for future generations.