While new ideas and innovative programs and pedagogies are exciting, the simplest methods are often the most effective. In Doing What Works, author Chris Weber outlines ten practical, common-sense practices proven to transform student learning and propel school success. Each chapter includes examples from real school leaders and classroom teachers, as well as a series of suggested next steps.
Use this resource to explore and implement effective learning techniques for every student:
Table of Contents
About the Author
Chapter 1: Teaching Less so Students Learn More
Chapter 2: Predicting and Preventing Challenges
Chapter 3: Letting Students Do the Talking and the Learning
Chapter 4: Keeping Learning Targets Visible and Still
Chapter 5: Nurturing Behavioral Habits That Affect Motivation
Chapter 6: Fostering Two-Way Feedback
Chapter 7: Emphasizing Skills Alongside or Above Content
Chapter 8: Promoting Rigorous Learning Tasks
Chapter 9: Empowering Parents as Partners in Education
Chapter 10: Inspiring and Enabling Staff Engagement
References and Resources