I didn't hold back in declaring anything that was beneficial to you and in teaching you publicly and from house to house . . . I haven't held back in declaring God's whole counsel to you.
Acts 20:20,27
That testimony from the Apostle Paul is also that of Dr. Jay E. Adams, who has spent over 60 years teaching God's "whole counsel" both publicly (preaching) and from house to house (counseling).
This book contains essays by John MacArthur, Harry Reeder, Lou Priolo, and many other accomplished Christian leaders about how to do that kind of biblical ministry. The contributors are among the many preachers, teachers, counselors, and countless others who have appreciated Jay's profound but always practical instruction from the Word.
Jay's landmark book Competent to Counsel was first published 50 years ago, and it was the first of over 100 books that he has written since then. The editors and contributors hope that this volume will be used by God to spark a resurgence of interest in Jay's teaching, and more importantly, a return to the timeless truths of Scripture on which it is based.
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