Educational leaders and authors, Sarah Henry and Carrie Rosebrock, explore these questions and offer experiential and research-driven answers in their book, Arrows: A Systems-Based Approach to School Leadership. Arrows is the personal story of a decade's worth of growth and alignment within the Brownsburg Community School District in Brownsburg, Indiana. Unlike other educational leadership books, Arrows is the story of what happens when, not one school--but an entire district--simplifies its vision, clarifies its goals, and truly aligns its arrows.
This is a story of leadership in action. Of a relentless desire to support and reach all students, from all backgrounds, from all experiences. An honest account of the impact of diligent collaboration and processes. It is a story of both systems and service; of both belonging and access.
Arrows is a study in action--the story of what can happen when leadership alignment creates a sustainable system of support, clarity, love, and belonging.
"In Arrows, Rosebrock and Henry provide an inspiring account of how schools can achieve exceptional results--when everyone in the system focuses, unswervingly, on the improvement of curriculum and instruction. "
Mike Schmoker, author of Focus: Elevating the Essentials to Radically Improve Student Learning.
"Rosebrock and Henry have done a nice job hitting all the bases in Arrows. They have not only provided a thorough review of DuFour's "Four Essential Questions" but have also stressed the importance of PLCs using protocols to guide and structure the work of PLCs. Their text is conversationally readable; a sure bet for schools floundering in their school improvement work."
--- Daniel R. Venables
Education Consultant & Author
Founder of the Grapple Institutes