In this book, eight authors and the Core Collaborative's partner schools reimagine formative assessment through an asset-based, cultural lens to make a greater impact on learning and our shared humanity.
Presented in an easy-to-read, practical format, with video examples and practical resources throughout, the 'Amplify Learner Voice Formative Assessment Framework' identifies and integrates seven culturally responsive and sustaining concepts to shift how educators and learners engage in core formative assessment practices that cultivate conditions where all stakeholders thrive.
- Cultural Identity: How does the assessment experience support students to understand more about themselves and each other as learners?
- Asset-Centered Mindset: How can we create conditions for learners to draw and build upon their cultural funds of knowledge when reflecting, self- and peer assessing, collaborating, and practicing towards goals?
- Dispositional Learning: How do we ensure that students are transferring key habits of learning in and out of school when working towards goals or when faced with challenges?
- Learning Partnerships: How do positive feedback experiences create conditions to strengthen relational trust, risk-taking, and self-empowerment for all stakeholders?
- Learner Clarity: How does the assessment design ensure that learners are challenged at all levels of rigor (surface-deep-transfer) across academic, social, and emotional domains?
- Engagement: How does formative assessment engage students, caregivers, and families personally and collaboratively?
- Criticality: How do we create conditions for self-empowerment to think critically about equity, power, and inclusion?