Grace means as long as I'm sincere, I can do what I want and still make Heaven, right? Grace means God still loves me regardless of what I do, and my eternal destiny is secure, correct? Grace means there is no legalism in the Christian life, and I'm pretty much allowed to do whatever I want, as
long as I'm not hurting anybody, isn't that true? Grace is a New Testament concept that frees me from the horrible curse of the Law in the Old Testament, isn't that what the Bible teaches? Grace gives me liberty to be me, without having to live by the Bible, I think? Grace means salvation is totally based on Jesus, so that being the case, nothing I do could make God love me less, so I'm good, right? Popular characterizations about grace aside, what does the Bible really say about grace? Is it really a ticket to sin and still make Heaven? Or does the Bible teach something different?
In Grace! It's Not What You Think, we look at what Holy Scripture says about the subject of Grace.