Jericho March tells the story of author Doug Mann's journey to bring hope and rescue to some of the world's most dangerous places. Braving discovery and arrest, Doug smuggled Bibles behind the Cold War Iron Curtain, helped facilitate a hostage recovery with Somali pirates, navigated humanitarian relief efforts during the Kosovo War, and traveled in tumultuous Sudan. Throughout it all, Doug's faith was challenged and strengthened as he learned that God was always bigger than his circumstances.
God promised the people of Israel that they would occupy Canaan, but He didn't foretell the difficulty and tenacity required to conquer the city of Jericho. Doug knows that every individual faces a Jericho of his or her own, with three likely signs: clear vision, difficult circumstances, and resolve to get the job done.
As Doug struggled through his journey to overcome seemingly insurmountable obstacles in his own version of Jericho, God was refining him, building and shaping him to be a faithful leader even in the midst of exacting surroundings. This direct intervention points to one fact- that if God cares for Doug, He cares for you.