Welcome to the enchanting world of "Cicadas Don't Bug Me!" In this delightful rhyming adventure, children are invited to embark on a journey filled with vibrant photographs and captivating cicada facts. Join best-selling children's book author Christen M. Jeschke as you discover the fascinating life cycle of these amazing creatures and learn to embrace the wonder of nature.
As emerging cicadas make their grand appearance, children are encouraged to marvel at their remarkable transformations instead of fearing them. Through the pages of this engaging book, young readers will not only develop an appreciation for the beauty of cicadas but also cultivate a sense of curiosity and awe for the world around them.
"Cicadas Don't Bug Me" is more than just a book-it's a gentle reminder to approach nature with wonder, not worry. So come along and dive into this fact-filled, charming book where cicadas reign supreme and curiosity knows no bounds. Let's embark on an unforgettable bug-learning adventure together!