The crisis deepens when an American commercial aircraft is shot down over China's coast, killing hundreds. A shadowy terrorist group claims responsibility, adding complexity and danger to an already volatile situation. As the Summit approaches, the world remains unaware of the imminent threat.
A shocking twist occurs when a truck bomb decimates the UN Palace of Nations Assembly Hall, resulting in Presidents Freeman and Wang being captured and held hostage. The terrorists' demands threaten to obliterate Israel, forcing China and the United States into an agonizing stalemate.
Enter Dr. Terry Paulson, a distinguished psychologist and masterful storyteller. He weaves psychological insights into a heart-stopping plot, crafting an intense tale of faith-tested destiny and the strength that emerges when adversaries unite against a common enemy.
Brace yourself for a rollercoaster of emotions, where suspense meets substance, and the future of the world hinges on the decisions of reluctant enemies.
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