In 1692 a grotesque tragedy befalls the quiet town of Sherbrooke when an innocent, young woman is burned alive for witchcraft, forever titling the secluded forest of her death as "Witch's Creek." In present day, the town's residents are still haunted by this legend, although most see it as a simple fairytale and nothing more. High schooler Danny wants nothing more than to get out of the outdated town he grew up in, leaving memories of his tainted past and the townsfolk's prejudices behind. But when an altercation with some school bullies in the forest of Witch's Creek goes horrifically wrong, things take a turn for the worse.
As he crawls home, unscathed, a new identity seems to have taken place. Because his injuries were undeniably fatal. Danny was supposed to die in that forest. It seems the only thing that saved him was an act of God. Or was it?
Now Danny is on a path to take revenge upon those who have wronged him, with something sinisterly supernatural on his side.