What will they remember? When our children are little, we stress about the fingerprints they leave all over our house. As time races forward, we hope to have left our own thumbprints on their hearts and lives.The imprint we leave is more than just intentional memories. It is lessons of courage, determination, forgiveness, love, and grace we hope one day will be shared with their own children.
How do we turn the messes into teachable moments that build character that will last a lifetime? It starts with one step. No matter how far you are in your parenting journey, you choose what matters most in your family. Through failures and successes, your legacy is being built in every moment you spend with your children.
Gifts and Secrets is the roadmap one family used to navigate their lives. It isn't full of new concepts or traditions, just intentional love, structure, and values meant to equip their boys to take on the world.
Are you ready to invest in your legacy? When it is time for you to look back, not only will you see the thumbprints you left on their lives, but the fingerprints they left all over yours.