The flight has finally landed - the wheels are down and we have taxied to the gate. There was a beginning, a middle, and an end. But are these really endings, or new beginnings? Does the story ever truly end?
Everyone has a story, but these stories don't always take the course we planned or end how and when we had hoped. Each person we cross paths with is at a different place in their own personal journey. While it is tempting to judge another person by their place in our story, we can't immediately know who is just a minor player, and who will become a huge influencer later on. Chance encounters, being in the right place at the right time - whatever you might call it - these seemingly random meetings have the potential to alter our course and take us to places we had never imagined.
This third and final installment of The Boarding Pass trilogy looks to answer the unresolved questions from the prior novel Future Flights. Pack your bags, settle into a comfortable chair with a bag of pretzels and a cold drink - let your imagination soar along with our passengers Jean, Will, Patesh, Mac, Lisa, Ana, Joel and Kristen. Their plane's wheels may be down, but your flight is just beginning.