No one lives a carefree life with no problem or trials or disease or dark nights of the soul. When all this uneasiness happened, it causes pain in life. Pain does not choose whom to afflict or when to afflict. It afflicts the strong, the weak, the rich, and the poor. Pain is not a pleasant circumstance. It can bring stress and even destroy life. It applies to physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual pain.
Pain will form and reveal our personality. Many people have been shaped by pain rather than gain. When everything is going well, many times gain displays a false identity but when a problem or a hardship attacks, pain reveals a real identity. When attacked by pain, a strong believer will run to God, but a non-believer or weak believer will turn away from God. When hit by pain, a strong believer gets better, and not bitter. Pain increases our dependency on God and provides an opportunity to experience the grace of God. Pain is a tool used by God to shape life to become a better life. How you respond makes all the difference. This book will show you how to become better and not bitter when the pain attacks.