In a world where fear, stress, and anxiety can lead to depression for us or someone we love, how can we be a source of inspiration and a catalyst for hope? CLEAR The Air: The Emotional Responder System is designed to help people who are suffering from anxiety and depression realize that they may not be alone and that there can be hope in the hopelessness. By sharing personal experiences with anxiety and depression and applying lessons learned from their personal and professional lives, Simeon Hernandez and Mitch McKinney highlight how we can be the authors of "Stories for Hope" as they introduce a system that has helped them in having conversations with people who are dealing with emotional and mental challenges-and how they ultimately inspired them to reach out for professional support. They provide contexts for conversations regarding anxiety and depression so that we can reduce and eliminate the stigma that hold people back from getting the help that they need. By empowering people to "CLEAR The Air" and become "Emotional Responders," we can bring light to the darkness and become an "Inspiration for Transformation" as we guide our friends and loved ones who are suffering from a mental or emotional injury to get the help that they need.