The world is changing rapidly. What is true today, can be history the next. To handle these situations Prepping and Homesteading get more and more popular.
Two manuscripts in one book:
The world is falling apart, bit by bit. Be it a human-made or natural disasters, things are getting worse, and everyone needs to be prepared for the day when the SHTF (Shit Hits The Fan).
It isn't just weather and wars; with one financial crash after another, there is every chance that disaster could strike at any time.
Discover how you can be prepared for any scenario, by learning basic prepper skills.
Another important qualification you need, it to be able to fix your own food without going to the store, i.e. the life of a Homesteader.
A lot of famous and successful people are embracing the life of a homesteader.
Homesteading has become a catharsis for people who finally want to live the life of a producer rather than a mere consumer.
Thousands of people all over the globe have decided to say "yes" to gardening and domesticating animals.
This book will give you the necessary information and tools.
In part 1 you will discover:
In part 2 you will learn:
Take a second to imagine how you'll feel once you finally learn the fundamentals of prepping and homesteading and how your family and friends will react when you can finally provide food for your family (and even your neighbors).
So, if you have decided that you will manage on your own even when the SHTF, make sure to be prepared by acquiring the necessary information found in this book