Sister, are you ready to effect change in your life--and your world--as a follower of Jesus?
A look at the stories of women from the Bible reveals that the issues they faced weren't all that different from the heart issues with which women still wrestle today--being hidden or forgotten, trying to live up to an impossible ideal, struggling with difficult relationships, and waiting for God's deliverance and favor. Now, come alongside both well-known and obscure women from the Bible to learn more about God's plan to bless your own life!
Reverend Tisha Williams, a Brooklyn native, began serving as the senior pastor of First Baptist Church of Bridgehampton in Bridgehampton, New York, in 2018 and is the creator of Who's That Lady? Ministries, a global women's ministry movement curated to inspire all women to live full, authentic, and passionate lives. As "Reverend Tish," a gifted natural communicator, shares her heart, you will be encouraged by amazing biblical women who have a message for you, including:
Hannah, who discovered she had never been forgotten by the God who provides
Each chapter concludes with thought-provoking questions and suggested action steps to help you apply the timeless truths of these women's stories to your life in the twenty-first century.
Are you ready to put aside the demons and difficulties of your past to embrace the victorious future and inheritance God intends? Read I See You, Sis to discover the lives of the women hiding in plain sight within the Bible--and be inspired to heroism in the story God has written specially for you!