Salvation is a one-time act: we depend on the ultimate gift of Jesus' sacrifice to grant us eternal life. After that, we are here drawing
breath until He determines to bring us home. But what about the rest of our time as a believer? What are we here for?
The space between our salvation and seeing our Savior face-to-face can be filled with so many things. We are choosing every day what
to worship, what to value, and what to nurture. In this book, I want to invite you to embrace the road of sanctification. Our salvation is
enough, but God desires to redeem your past and refine your future. He uses everyday circumstances-both good and bad-to reveal more
of who He is and who He wants to be for each of us. Saying yes to sanctification is a great way to go deeper with God, discover more
about His nature, and be in awe of His power and glory! As we shift our eyes from us being a completed work, we begin to take pleasure
in a relationship with Him as we enjoy the journey of becoming holy.