Breaking Through Cracks in the Floor of Heaven is a versatile Bible Study Workbook centered on the faith-based, fiction novel Cracks in the Floor of Heaven, by Michele Renée DeRouin. This ten-week resource can be used for individual reflection and as a group Bible Study. It includes 50 themes, over 600 scriptures, and is specifically designed to help you examine the relationships you have with yourself, others, and God. More than anything it is designed to spark your imagination; give you hope for an amazing future and help you discover your eternal significance.
Dig deeper into scripture and learn how to fight the enemy with the promises of God. Finally break through the areas that have been holding you back from discovering His great purpose for your life. Dive into deep waters and learn how to overcome emotional scars, footholds, and unhealthy mindsets and attitudes.
God wants to exchange your weakness, pain, sadness and fear for strength, healing, joy, purpose, and peace. He wants to bring your pain and suffering out of the dark hidden places and into the light, where His safe and loving arms await because you are not alone.