27 D Street is a creative selection of short stories recollected by a young boy growing up in a small mill village in Georgia in the early 1950s. The stories and the unique characters that played them out in real life, over time, became the village that shaped the young boy, Lawrence, and his life. From Grandma Bledsoe, to Mr. Marvin, to the mill village baseball team, to his buddy Harold to the Goat Man himself, each led lasting impressions on his life. Yearning for something better than owing your soul to the mill village store, Lawrence had dreams of something better. Or, looking back, was it that bad? Each chapter is a descriptive memory picture that still hangs on the walls of the author's mind to this day.
Readers may expect:
● To have their heart stirred with getting to know the vibrant characters in each chapter
● To laugh at the funny stories told from the perspective of a young boy and to cry when he learns of loss and unwelcomed change
● To think back with a reflection on the characters of the village that helped raise them
● To realize that sometimes where we are in time is just as important as where we think we want to be
When you finish this book, if you haven't already during the middle, pick up the phone and call your Grandmother, just to tell her you love her. If you don't have a Grandmother, call the woman or man in your childhood that you savor the good in you that they poured into you. Call them and just tell them you love them. Don't text, don't email, no social media. Call them.