Inciting Reflection is a collection of some of the more than 500 essays shared by the author as weekly commentary for a National Public Radio affiliate for over eleven years. With categories like "Exercising Our Love Muscles," "Deciphering Life's Puzzles," "On God and Godlings," and "Pressing On When the Pressure's On," this collection of Rob Simon's musings focuses on inviting readers and listeners to think or reflect - perhaps about new things, but definitely in their own way.
With an easy-going conversational and accessible verbal style, the author does not proselytize, and his intention is not necessarily to cultivate agreement. Instead, the goal is to invite observation, consideration, and dialogue, to ask thoughtful questions, and to make debate comfortable for those who may see the world differently.
As an added feature, the collection also includes original poetry, and a fair amount of humor and storytelling. Makes for a great coffee table item, easy bedside reading, a useful classroom tool for educators, and more.