Tina J. Pearson, like so many others, found herself in desperate need of a place to release her fears, disappointment, and pain. Through her journal, she found a way to release the thoughts and words her mouth simply could not speak.
Writing Saved My Life is the story of Tina's battle with depression and how she overcame it with the help of God. This book takes the reader on Tina's journey of getting to know herself and her Creator. Throughout the entire book, she reflects on the decisions she made that caused her to be out of alignment with God's will for her life. Many of those decisions were the result of her losing her love for writing. Once she reconnected with her cathartic outlet and the One who imbedded the love of writing within her, Tina found herself not only in love with the One who created her, but also the person she saw when she looked in the mirror.
This book is an excellent testament to how God can use something as simple as writing to save the lives of those He loves, His children.