o cristianos vivieron y conocen el poder y los milagros de Dios manifestados a través del inigualable evangelista Yiye Ãvila, cuya unción poderosa arropó al mundo.
Sus campañas dejaban tras de sà a millones de vidas tocadas por su ministerio: sorprendentes prodigios instantáneos, números impactantes de almas convertidas al Señor, testimonios poderosos de sanidades fÃsicas y emocionales, liberaciones espirituales, y una amplia impartición de avivamiento a las naciones.
La vida de Yiye Ãvila: Un testimonio vivo del poder de Dios contiene la historia completa que muchos esperaban y el mundo de hoy necesita: estremecedoras historias del poder de Dios, por fin reveladas gracias a fuentes de primera mano, y publicadas por primera vez.
El lector conocerá la vida del hombre que se entregó incondicionalmente al servicio de Dios, a través de quien se manifestaron milagros que marcaron una era en el cristianismo y la fe.
ENGLISH DESCRIPTION Generations of Christians and non-Christians have learned about and experienced God's power and miracles through the inimitable Evangelist Yiye Ãvila, whose devotion rallied the faithful around the world. Millions of lives were touched by his preaching, whose legacy includes countless wonders, conversions, powerful testimonies of physical and emotional healing, spiritual liberation and religious revival.
"The Life of Yiye Ãvila: Living Testimony of the Power of God" tells the full story that so many were waiting for and the world today so sorely needs: astonishing examples of God's power, revealed by first-hand sources and published here for the first time.
Readers will discover the life of a man who gave himself unconditionally to God's service and through whom miracles were manifested that shaped an era of Christian faith.