Prepare for an enchanting journey into the world of bravery, friendship, and resilience with "Little Buck the Fire Truck." When a wildfire starts just outside of town, the fancy new engines race off to answer the call, leaving Little Buck behind at the station. But as the fire grows and the big trucks run out of water, they'll need backup. Does this little engine have what it takes to save the day in a major way?
Little Buck the Fire Truck is an instant classic that will resonate with all children but may be especially meaningful for those who live in fire-prone areas. Reading and discussing this book with children is a gentle, trauma-informed way to help them understand some of the challenging elements of wildfire, including smoke, sirens, and evacuation, while reassuring them that, in hard times, help is always on the way.
Little Buck the Fire Truck is Living Popups AR (augmented reality) enabled! Learn and laugh with Little Buck and his friends as they spring to life on your phone or tablet. Search for "LP Bookspace" in your App Store to experience Little Buck the Fire Truck in 3D!