Oh, Lords! is about two women sharing their dating stories, dating glories, and the lessons they've learned along the way. Oh, Lords! Who We Date, Why We Date Them, and What We've Learned is the only book of its kind to discuss dating in the context of archetypes, "Lords", through the eyes and experience of the authors.
You will meet the Lords: Lord Journeyman, Lord Contradiction, Lord FOMO, Lord Layaway, Lord Self-Absorbed, Lord At Your Peril, Lord Good Guy, Not MY Guy, and Lord My Guy. These are the men, the archetypes, that litter the landscape of the dating world, and when you see them for who they are, you might start making different choices about who you spend your time with.
You don't have to be dating to find the humor, insight, community, and reminders of your triumphs and turning points. Join entrepreneurs Jes Averhart and Terresa Zimmerman on this wildly entertaining and insightful journey through their dating lives.