How prepared are you for the world out there?
School can teach you a lot of things, like; how to solve math equations, how to understand complicated text, how many continents there are, and so much more.
As a tween growing up, there are so many new things going on in your life right now. There are so many changes happening and so many new things to learn.
But, there are some practical things in life that you can't learn in school.
This workbook is here to help!
Develop, practice, and work on practical life skills that will aid you in your journey of growing older.
This workbook will delve into the physical, mental, and emotional challenges that every tween faces and will hand you the solution - from learning how to cook a hearty meal, to managing your money wisely, to knowing what to do in case of an emergency.
And that's just the tip of the iceberg! You'll also discover:
So, what are you waiting for? Get Your Copy Now!