"Now it's my turn to offer what I wish someone had offered me during my crisis."
For the entrepreneur, a business crash, or even the prospect of a crash, is one of life's most stressful scenarios. Sometimes after working tirelessly and staking your life and future on your start-up, you stand at the edge of the cliff staring at bankruptcy or even worse. It's more than disappointing; it's a nightmare.
CEO Vaughn Thurman has been there. His fast-growing technology company was crumbling before his eyes. It took standing on the cliff for him to admit how his own mistakes led to this disaster. In a transparent and inimitable style, he walks you through his business crisis and shows how he survived and executed a turnaround- professionally, personally, and financially.
Inside the pages of this insightful book, you'll discover how to:
- Find and lean on your peers
- Develop better due diligence during hiring
- Vigorously defend your profits
- Find more capital when you need it
- Identify your bad customers
- Sacrifice your pride and save your reputation
- Learn when and how to say no
- How to invite a higher purpose into your business