In this brilliant follow-up to Past the Glad and Sunlit Season, K. A. OPPERMAN takes us to an enchanted autumnal land overflowing with candy-sometimes sweet, sometimes cursed by witches. Jack-o'-lanterns keep watch as we travel through Pumpkin Country, questing for the rich rewards that are to be found in contemplation of October's pastoral and many-colored tapestry. These stories told in rhyme, and melancholy hearthside meditations, are sure to rekindle a yearning for the Halloween season in hearts young and old. Open this book, and chase October ghosts through a realm of autumn dreams.
The author has provided an extensive notes section which delves into his inspiration and creative process-and Halloween obsession-plus a brief essay on Halloween symbols, "Trick-or-Treat as Initiatory Rite, and Attendant Symbolism.
With an insightful foreword by Adam Bolivar and loaded with atmospheric full-page black and white illustrations by Dan Sauer.