th's worth of nagging) by Fred Brace. Written by a Dad as a labor of love for his two young daughters, Fridge Notes From Dad is a collection of mini "Dad Talks" and Fatherly Advice with a few dollops of added Humor to keep things from getting too stuffy. 31 Fridge Notes that will provide you and your wonderful " Money Pits" with a full months's supply of conversation starters on such important Life Topics like Politics, Religion, Money, and the importance of having Fresh Garlic and Olive Oli in the Kitchen at all times. 31 Fridge Notes that will have your Kids thinking, smiling and rolling their eyes from boredom and begging to check their phone..."Dad!! It's been a whole 5 minutes since I checked my messages!!! 31 Fridge Notes that, when posted diligently, will pretty much stop your Kids from raiding the Fridge and ruining meal plans. Some Kids will no doubt start avoiding the Kitchen like the Plague. And Finally, 31 Fridge Notes that will hopefully save you a bundle in Therapy Sessions down the road. Good Luck, Bros!! Being a Dad is a privilege....a gift of Love and responsibility from the Universe. Being a Dad is one of the best and one of the most important jobs this Life has to offer. The pay sucks, but the Benefits make up for it Big-Time. - Fred (The Fridge Notes Guy)