History walks among us today. This story shares with the reader a first-hand account of a dark and stressful time in our nation's history. World War II threatened the stability of nations around the world, and as a result, the very existence of mankind as we know it. During this period, Homer and Paul were young men in the prime of life who felt every bit of that threat and uncertainty. These two young men learned exactly who they were and how to claim that in spite of the circumstances in which they found themselves. Each man had to learn how to "roll with the punches" encountered in war. Homer had his rights stripped from him when he found himself a prisoner of the enemy. Paul had his rights temporarily suspended in the name of national security.
The following story is based on the war time experiences of two of those Americans. Dr. L. Paul Coffman and Mr. Homer Jones are two everyday citizens who stepped out of their comfort zones and volunteered to serve in defense of their country, the United States of America. Those experiences took them many miles from home and challenged them more than either man ever dreamed. Dr. Coffman and Mr. Jones are a small part of what is often called "The Greatest Generation," who pulled off an almost unthinkable victory.