A childhood dream turns into a bewildering reality for twenty-nine-year-old Zara, when her spaceship is pulled through a wormhole, and she arrives at an unidentified planet called Suvia. With four other astronauts relying on her leadership, Zara must quickly learn to navigate the planet and the strange beings that inhabit it, in order to get her colleagues safely back to Earth. The longer Zara spends on Suvia, the more she realizes that she is feeling oddly connected to the tribes and the land. That connection guides her when she finds herself challenged by a malicious tribe and conflicted by a blurred line of who is good versus who is evil. When evil shows its true face, Zara is forced to fight for her survival and the survival of those close to her. Filled with uncertainty and self-doubt, she embarks on a mission to protect the planet and aid the Suvians in battle.