rged from a troubled era of the civil rights movement as a small town ready to move past Jim Crow laws and segregation. Young families began to settle in the southwest Mississippi community, including one such family from Oklahoma, Larry and Pat Hicks, and their two young sons, Clark and Matt. Life in the 1970s and 80s in a quaint Southern hamlet became a breeding ground for stories of wit and charm. In the early 1990s, oldest son Clark married his high school sweetheart. The newlyweds moved eighty miles east to Hattiesburg, a thriving mid-size college town where a new generation of Hicks boys were born and raised. The expanded family in the "Hub City" of southeast Mississippi nestled into the fabric of a rapidly changing Southern culture, where tradition and technology created a fertile environment for storytelling reminiscent of an age long ago. Part memoir, part history, the book consists of short story vignettes sure to entertain all readers, particularly those who have connections to the Magnolia State.