Fans of the Paramount series Yellowstone, as well as thousands of pandemic refugees, have swarmed Bozeman, wreaking havoc on the environment, local culture, and the economy. Many of her new clients are self-centered and thoughtless. Most of the pets are unruly and needy. After a few crazy experiences, she begins to wonder if she should continue accepting critter sitter gigs. But then she has to face the hard truth: She needs the money.
This entertaining memoir weaves humorous tales about dogs, cats, chickens, and a turkey with Chérie's personal stories. Stories about her life-long quest to earn a bare-bones income in a place called "The Treasure State" and "The Last Best Place," and to survive in a town where the privileged few park their private jets at the airport and then hurry off to spacious multi-million-dollar homes, while locals struggle to afford a studio apartment.
A riveting book about animals, personal quests, mega money, pandemic pandemonium, and movie star moments, all sprinkled with a dash of Montana history and cultural commentary.