"Everyone needs someone to cheer us on, but there's no voice more powerful than our own. Miss Terra Cotta Sugarbaker helps us speak up and stand out with this fierce collection of affirmations so you always have the words to slay the day!"
--Flamy Grant, Billboard-charting singer-songwriter and drag queen
In a world that too often wants us to dim our lights, Miss Terra Cotta Sugarbaker encourages us all to shine as our brightest selves. Whether you need a pick-me up, a pre-loaded comeback, or an attitude makeover, her heartfelt quips (and gorgeous glamour shots) are a fabulous way to slay your day!
- Lil Miss Hot Mess, author of The Hips on the Drag Queen Go Swish, Swish, Swish and If You're a Drag Queen and You Know It