Randy speaks: I decided to write my own version of how I would visualize and deal with cancer and its available treatments... and how I would approach the inevitability of death and dying. Here are some of the key points to consider:
We are all dying; it's just that some of us are dying faster than others. Realizing this gives you a certain amount of preordained time to achieve what you want to do, to acquire what you want to have, and to work toward being that person you always wanted to be.
As Yoda said: "Do or Do Not. There is No Try." Not a lot of leeway here for pissing away your time engaged in frivolities. On the other hand, being in action makes it easier to escape the dark and morbid, and it encourages any attempt to have some fun with our day-to-day predicaments and pratfalls.
Movement - both physical and mental - is vital for keeping all parts of or body/mind/spirit in healthy working order. And, since Nature is the ultimate healer, spending time walking in nature and using nature's healing energetics helps us create our own wholistic health.
Stories are the essential cogs that drive our inner wheels of memory and understanding, and stories of the animals, vegetables, and minerals of Nature are most often those stories we comprehend as the essence of our real Being. Nature Walking with Cancer offers stories of Nature designed to stimulate our human Inner-Selves.